iPad2 : apple iPad 2

The next generation tablet arrived as ipad2 ,Apple ipad attractive,skinner,faster,slightly and easy to use a tablet computer at reasonable praice USD 499 to 829 Depending on the configuration.
The ipad 2 is thinner-8.8 millimetres (33 % thinner than iPad1)
weight 1.3 pounds
10 hours of battery life more than iPad 1
upgraded version of 3G and 4G network
Apple iPad 2 has new dual core A5 chip, It's helped to open more quickly than iPad 1.
in ipad2 added a new version of iOS software ,its help to improve Web surfing ,its also faster than Wi-Fi network & video loaded quickly.
-allowed to share music & video from iTunes library on multiple apple devices on the same network.

iphone 5

iphone 5 :
Apple Launched new version of iPhone5 Or iPhone 5G,The next report of next generation features that the apple iPhone 5 will don.Key statement include a new processor,a larger dispay,NFC support and probably a sliding cover.
-30 pin dock connector cable
-ribbon used to attach it to the handset,with sliding cover.
-4 inch disply,Retina display screen with added Backlight feature
-10.2 megapixel camera
-new generation bettery
-dual core cortex A9 chip design
-1080p video capability
-3D support and NFC features
-Thin LED TV
-4G Download speed of up to 100Mbps


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